Counseling » Counseling Department

Counseling Department

Counselor Services
The Counseling Department of Wasco Union High School  believes that adolescents desire and need assistance in reaching their highest personal and scholastic potential. It is the responsibility of the educational counselor to provide that assistance to the best of his/her ability. Encouraging the desire of students to reach their potential is the goal of the Counseling Department. The Department seeks to provide services that will lead to the optimum intellectual, physical and social development for all students.
Every staff member at WUHS is prepared to give you assistance with your problems. Your counselors are especially trained to give you help with academic or personal problems.
Services provided by the guidance and learning specialists include:
  • Graduation information
  • Selection of high school courses
  • College entrance test interpretation
  • Scholarship and financial aid information
  • Registration Policies
  • Grades and grade point average
  • Vocational and career guidance
  • Personal counseling
  • Transcript (interpretation)
  • NCAA Clearinghouse
Conferences are held with students regarding policies and procedures in relation to the academic program at Wasco High School. Your familiarity with these areas will help make your years at Wasco High School more rewarding.